Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday letters to wounded soldiers

I received an email a couple of weeks ago, requesting holiday letters and/or cards to be sent to wounded military personnel. I thought this would be a good idea for a class project, since we could reinforce our typing skills, learn a little about letter writing, and hopefully, help to brighten the spirits of a recovering soldier or two. I think the students have enjoyed this project and I have definitely enjoyed reading their letters. You guys are awesome!

If you would like to send a holiday card or greeting, the address is:
We Support You During Your Recovery c/o American Red Cross P.O. Box 419 Savage, MD 20763-0419

The letters need to be postmarked by December 27, 2008.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Goodbye Thanksgiving, Hello Christmas!

Wow! It is hard to believe that in only two more weeks, we will all be on Christmas break! Some upcoming events in December include, the Christmas program on December 8 and a lot of Christmas festivities on December 19, which is also the last day before break. On the 19th, seventh and eighth grade will watch a movie in the morning, followed by the volleyball game, lunch, and then the Christmas dance! Hope you all have an enjoyable December!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Larsen says, "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and you are all enjoying your break! I know I am! See everyone on Monday!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Back to school!

At least it is back to school time for me, after having been off for seven weeks! I was more than happy to receive a great report from Ms. Goetten on the students' behavior. Way to go! We have been working on some cross-curricular activities this week. Seventh grade did some activities that went along with their Literary Circle projects and eighth grade researched their Science constellations and did a few different computer projects with that information. On Tuesday, both classes searched the web for some information about both presidential candidates. They used that information to compose and type a paragraph about their pick for the presidency. Next week, we will begin working out of the typing books again and also do some timed typing. Have a great weekend!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thank you!

Wow! All of the ecards are just great! We really appreciate them. Can't wait for you all to meet baby Larsen. Here is a new pic of him. He is changing everyday!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby Pruitt is here!

Hi guys! Baby Pruitt has arrived! Larsen John Patrick Pruitt was born Sunday, September 21 at 3:23 a.m. He weighed 8 pounds even and was 20 inches long. My husband and I are totally in love with him! We will come and visit sometime soon.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Layout

Check out the new layout. You can choose different layouts for free at

Monday, September 8, 2008

8th hour computers

8th hour computer class says, "8th hour computers is great!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Start of a new week!

Hello! Just wanted to post some updates about a few things happening this week. Open House will take place Wednesday, September 10. It is from 6-7:30. I am looking forward to seeing students and meeting parents. Don't forget!
This week, seventh grade is going to be taking a Home Keys quiz on Thursday. They will be getting a study guide Monday, so be sure to study up!
I can't believe it is here already, but this week is my last week at NGMS for awhile! I will begin my maternity leave next Monday, September 15, not so patiently awaiting the arrival of my baby. Mrs. Goetten will be taking over then. She subbed for Ms. Hinegardner earlier in the year, so the kids have already gotten to know her, which is great. She will do a great job!
Have a wonderful week!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What's happening!

Computer class has gotten off to an awesome start this year! The kids are doing great and their behavior is stellar! Seventh and eighth grade are starting off computers with some basic keyboarding. This is a review for eighth grade, but a much needed review. I can definitely tell that they learned a thing or two last year, though! Eighth grade just took a home keys quiz and the grades were great! A big improvement over last year's quizzes. Seventh grade is getting the hang of things and are working on the home keys.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Just made blog!

Just set this blog up for my class. I don't really know how I plan to use it yet, but I wanted to go ahead and set it up. I will be thinking of some ideas over my maternity leave.