Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ShAvInG cReAm FuN!!

My 5th grade class had some fun with shaving cream spelling words today! They practiced their Spelling words by writing them in the shaving cream on their desk. I think it's safe to say, they enjoyed this activity!! Here are some pictures:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Science Fair Time :o)

It is time for the 5th grade mini Science fair! All 5th grade Science students will be doing a Science fair project this May. The hand-outs were sent home with students today, so please ask your child about the Science fair. Each child will be partnered up and they will be responsible for choosing a project, putting together a poster to display their information, and presenting the experiment to the class and other grades. The due date for the project is May 21.

Students will have class time to work on their project and poster, but they will also need to get together with their partner out of class and devote some time to this project. Each group will need a Science board. These can be found at Walmart, Staples, Target,etc. Students, have a good time with this project and I look forward to seeing all of the posters and experiments!!

Also, a reminder, I am here every day until 3:30, so students are welcome to stay after school and work on projects and posters. HAVE FUN!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Students of the month for March and April!!

Our student of the month for March was Jacob Killion! Way to go!!

Sarah Tupper was our student of the month for April. Awesome job, Sarah!!

Science test on Tuesday, May 4!

Fifth grade will have Science test on Tuesday, May 4. This test will cover Chapter 12. Study, study!!