Monday, December 14, 2009

Science test on Tuesday!

Students will have a Science test on Tuesday. They need to study their study guide, chapter 10, and their Science notebooks.

Students also need to bring their progress reports back by Friday with a parent signature. We also have a book order due by Friday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Week of December 7

We will have a Science test coming up next week. I will send a study guide home with the students toward the end of this week. The test will be over Chapter 10.

Social Studies- Test Thursday, December 10 and Friday, December 11. Study your states and capitals and maps.

Raffle tickets- We are raffling off chances for several baskets that were created by the faculty and students of NGMS. Your child has a sheet of raffle tickets that they need to sell. The raffle tickets and money are due this Friday, December 11.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gather round for story time!!

In Science, we have been talking about precipitation this week. I told the kids a little bit about Willie Bentley, aka Snowflake Bentley. Today, we read the book, "Snowflake Bentley." I think the students really enjoyed it.